Fisher Paykel Refrigerator Temperature Fluctuations

Fisher Paykel Refrigerator Temperature Fluctuations

Does your refrigerator have trouble maintaining a cool temperature? Or is your refrigerator door seal faulty? Either way, you may have a problem. In this guide, we’re going to run through the most common reasons your refrigerator temperature keeps fluctuating and the different ways to fix it.

1. The refrigerator door is being opened too frequently or left open for too long

Each time someone opens the refrigerator door, cold air escapes and the fridge has to work harder to cool down again. If the door is opened too often, it can struggle to maintain an optimal temperature. On the other hand, if the door is open for too long, the fridge will overcompensate and produce lots of cold air. When the fridge door is then closed again, that cold air gets trapped and the temperature plunges drastically.

The fix: If you think your refrigerator temperature is fluctuating, try not to open the door for a few hours and see if the temperature stabilizes. If it does, you’ve successfully identified the issue and you should limit the number of times the refrigerator door is opened and closed on a daily basis.

2. The door seal is damaged

Another fault that’s very easy to fix is an issue with your refrigerator door seal. If the seal is damaged then cold air will constantly escape, leading to temperature fluctuations and a fridge that’s constantly running.

The fix: Check to see if any part of the seal is bubbled, warped, or dirty. If it is, replace it. You will be able to order a new seal on the manufacturer’s website and it will come with instructions so you can fit it yourself.

3. The settings are being adjusted 

The reason for your refrigerator’s fluctuating temperatures could be as simple as a change to the settings. You or someone else who lives with you could be inadvertently knocking the temperature dial when putting food in or taking it out.

The fix: Check that no one else in your home is adjusting the temperature setting accidentally or intentionally and make them aware of where the temperature dial is. If the settings are not being adjusted by anyone then you may need to reset the fridge’s thermostat, which can shock the system into stabilizing the temperature.

4. The vents or sensors are blocked

Overfilling your refrigerator or blocking the vents with food is one of the most common causes of temperature fluctuations, and thankfully, it’s a very easy problem to solve. Within your fridge, there are numerous vents that allow warm air to leave and cold air to enter. If these vents are blocked, the refrigerator is unable to keep the temperature stable.

Blocked sensors can cause this problem as well. For example, if warm food containers are placed too close to the fridge’s thermostat, the fridge will get too cold. Similarly, if cold food is placed too near the thermostat, the temperature will rise.

The fix: Don’t overfill your refrigerator and move all food and containers away from the back and sides and visible vents in the walls or the ceiling. Then let the fridge run for a few hours to see if the temperature stabilizes.

5. The compressor coils are dirty 

If you still haven’t found the cause of the problem, it’s time to start looking for more serious issues. Compressor coils are responsible for getting rid of the heat generated during the cycles of evaporation and compression that takes place constantly within your fridge. For these coils to do their job effectively, they must remain clean. If they’re dusty, dirty, or blocked, the heat will not be able to escape effectively and will circulate back into the fridge.

The fix: Clean your compressor coils, simply pull the fridge a distance from the wall, use your vacuum to clear up any dirt and debris before wiping down the coils down with a slightly damp cloth. Move the refrigerator back into place, plug it in, and see if the temperature stabilizes.

Still not solved the problem?

It’s likely to be the case that one of the electrical components in your fridge is faulty, in which case, we can put a fast, affordable, and professional fix in place.